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Seminar organization : Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel (ENS-PSL).

With the collaboration of Catherine Dossin, Pr. Associée à l’univ. Purdue, USA, and Léa Saint-Raymond, ATER, Collège de France.

Preparing the official online publication of the Artl@s Database, a global repertory of exhibition catalogues, with a mapping and quantitative query interface, the 2017-2018 Seminar will focus on the use of digital tools and methodologies to study the globalization of art.

Databases, Webdesign, Digital interaction, Geographical Analysis, Statistical Approach, … and Art History. We will work more specifically on Biennials and women this year, with a global questioning of art history.

Thursdays, every 2 week, 13:30 – 15:30
ENS, 45 rue d’ Ulm, Institute of Modern and Contemporary History (Stair D, 3rd floor, at the bottom left)


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