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2017-2018: Digital Humanities and Transnational Art History

Elodie Vaudry : “Pre-Columbian” Constructions and appropriations between Latin America and Europe, 1875-1945

This paper will deal with the reception and the appropriations of pre-Columbian and indigenous arts from Latin-America on the French art scene, and their use as elements of nationalist propaganda in Latin America. Through the study of the semantic, chronological, and plastic peregrination of these motifs, we will analyze their instrumentalizations as ornaments, as memory tools and political signifiers, serving as much the plastic modernity as the nascent identities of the time. This study aims at showing common dynamics between Europe and Latin America and to highlight the diachronic and diasporic hybridization of contemporary visual culture.

“Prehispánico” : Construcciones y apropiaciones entre América Latina y Europa, 1875-1945

Esta conferencia trata de la recepción y la instrumentalización de las artes prehispánicas e indígenas en la escena artística francesa, luego con sus usos como elementos de propaganda nacionalista en América Latina. A través del estudio de la peregrinación semántica, cronológica y plástica de estos motivos, se tratará de analizar sus instrumentalizaciones como ornamentos, herramientas de memoria y símbolos políticos, sirviendo tanto la modernidad plástica como las identidades nacientes. El objetivo de este estudio es mostrar las dinámicas comunes entre Europa y América Latina y destacar la hibridación diacrónica y diaspórica de la cultura visual contemporánea.

Élodie Vaudry got her PhD from the University of Paris-Nanterre and lecturer in the history of contemporary art (section 22 of the National Council of Universities). She is currently a graduate fellow at the Institute of Aesthetic Research at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.  She won the prize of the Institute of the Americas in Paris for her dissertation on The presence and uses of pre-Columbian arts in the decorative arts in France from 1875 to 1945.  The dissertation will be published in 2018 at Rennes University Press. Vaudry’s work deals with the appropriations of pre-Columbian art in the decorative arts of France during the interwar period, the ornament in Latin America and the market of art. She published in issues such as Perspective, Histoire de l’art or Artlas Bulletinand gave several presentations at the National Institute of Art History in Paris, at the Baukademie in Berlin, in Lima and in México.


Alice Bombardier : The Biennials of Tehran (1958-1966) : Toward the Recognition of New Painting in Iran

We will recollect how the first exhibitions of contemporary painting in the 1940s in Iran called attention to the local current of New Painting and contributed in the late fifties to the organization of the five Biennials of Tehran. We will present the determining role of few actors and insist on these artistic events and their scope.

Alice Bombardier is the author of Les pionniers de la Nouvelle peinture en Iran. Oeuvres méconnues, activités novatrices et scandales au tournant des années 1940 (Peter Lang, Berne, 2017). She holds a PhD in Sociology from EHESS and in Arab/Persian civilization from the University of Geneva. Graduated in History from the Sorbonne and agrégée in Geography, she studied Persian at INALCO in Paris and traveled regularly to Iran between 2004 and 2009.


Thursday, January 25, 13:30-15:30.

Place: Salle de l’IHMC, 45 rue d’Ulm, Paris, Escalier D, 4th floor (3e étage).


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