Julien Cavero is a cartographer specialized in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the labex TransferS, Ecole normale supérieure. Since 2007 he has worked for various research programs: as GIS project manager for the Collaborative Research Project ‘”Ports antiques de Narbonne ” since 2007 (UMR 5140), as GIS manager from 2009 to 2012 for the ANR program Gezira, « L’occupation humaine dans le Delta du Nil au 4ème millénaire Archéologie et environnement » (UMR 5133 – Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale); in 2013 he joined the École normale supérieure and labex TransferS’s “pôle Humanités Numériques”, where he develops and adapts intelligent cartographies and digital mappings for research data. Julien’s experience and skills are a key-resource for the research teams of the Labex, especially for Artl@s.
Julien Cavero